The Soudafoam Gun & Foam Cleaner is an acetone-based solvent aerosol designed for the removal of fresh, uncured PU foam and the maintenance of foam guns with a threaded adaptor. This ready-to-use cleaning aerosol effectively cleans the Soudafoam Gun and removes uncured Soudal foams. It is filled with HCFC- and CFC-free propellants, which are not harmful to the ozone layer.
For best results, immediately remove spilled foam with the cleaner. Cured foam must be removed mechanically. Before using the cleaner, test on a small area to ensure surfaces are not affected, as some plastics, lacquers, or paint layers may be sensitive. To clean the gun internally, screw the can onto the gun and pull the trigger several times, allowing an interval of 10-15 seconds between each spray. To clean the gun externally, use the red adapter.